Montana Bible College exists to support, build, and equip the local church for Kingdom effectiveness. This Study Tour is the outworking of this conviction by creating an immersive, college-level course situated in Israel studying the life and ministry of Jesus for the purpose of equipping Christians for an effective disciple-making ministry.
Check out the various resources we’ve put together to answer your questions and help you share this incredible opportunity with others!
Three Reasons To Register
Follow in the footsteps of our mighty King and witness the historical events unfold.
Come together with other believers and experience Israel as brothers and sisters in Christ.
Take what you’ve learned and bless the Church with your knowledge and testimony.
Through the connections that our guides have made over the years we are able to cut down on some of the costs that a typical traveler would pay. Currently, the estimate for this tour is $3,300 plus airfare. This includes a double occupancy hotel room, all entrance fees, and in-country course materials.